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The Lord Is My Shepherd: Music and Meditation on the 20th Anniversary of 9/11

Sat, September 11, 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm, St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral 139 Pearl St, Buffalo

Robert Duerr, conductor
Harmonia will sing works by Herbert Howells, Edward Elgar, Raymond Egan, Caroline Mallonee, Jean l’Héritier, and others. This concert is offered in conjunction with St. Paul’s Cathedral.



The Rev. Duerr will also speak about being present the evening of the attack and helping at the site of the World Trade Center Towers in New York City. Duerr said, “The scene was unbelievable. Just three nights earlier I dined with a friend in one of the tower’s restaurants. Outside afterwards we marveled at such structural magnificence: two of the world’s tallest buildings! On the evening of 9/11, I walked in the same area, but now amidst debris and white ash.”
The concert is FREE. Due to COVID protocols, those attending are requested to register by September 10 by calling the cathedral office at 716-855-0900. You may also register at the door on the day of the concert. Masking may be required.
HOWELLS: Requiem
ELGAR: Lux Aeterna
EGAN: In Memoriam 9/11
L’HERITIER: Surrexit pastor bonus
MALLONEE: Dona nobis pacem
RINGWALD: Precious Lord, Take My Hand
LA ROCCA: America, the Beautiful

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